Lami Town Council is expected to deliver many services and to provide an acceptable level of public amenities for the benefit of all ratepayers. It provides essential services such waste management and community facilities and infrastructure such as parks, , community centres. Its main source of revenue is from town rates. This rate is based on the assessed value of each property on a fixed date for all rateable properties across the city area. The rate is based on the un-improved capital value of each property on a fixed rates struck for all rateable properties across the town area.
Please download and complete the Customer_Profile_Form (PDF) and mail to:
The Chief Executive Officer
Lami Town Council
P O Box 3160
Or email a scanned copy to saccountsltc@unwired.com.fj /revenueltc@uniwired.com.fj or contact Rates enquiries on (679) 3361666 Ext 104 /9980410 for further clarifications.
Payment Options
Rate payers must obtain an official validated receipt when making payments. Council would not be accepting responsibility where such receipts are not obtained. There are several payment options available to enable the ratepayers to make rate payments, as listed below:
Payment in Person
Payments can be made at the Cashier at Lami Town Council Building, 59 Marine Drive, Lami. Payment can be made by Cash, Cheque.
(Cashier Office) Hours
Monday – Thursday
8.00 am-4:30pm
8.00am-4:00 pm
Payments through cheque could be addressed to:
The Chief Executive Officer
Lami Town Council
P O Box 3160
The accounts would be updated upon receipt and the appropriate receipts would be mailed to the sender. PLEASE DO NOT SEND CASH BY MAIL.
M Paisa
Payments made through M Paisa by Selecting Lami Town Council option and the accounts will be updated upon receipt of funds.
Direct Deposit
For direct deposits, rates could be paid through:
Account Name : Lami Town Council
Account Number : 95267S18
Bank Name : HFC
Branch : Suva
BSB : 129-010
Please specific the assessment number on the narrative so that the rate officers will be able to update your account.
Internet Banking
For internet banking, rates could be paid through:
Account Name : Lami Town Council
Account Number : 95267S18
Bank Name : HFC
Branch : Suva
BSB : 129-010
Please specific the assessment number on the narrative so that the rate officers will be able to update your account.
Source Deduction
Rates could also be made through source deductions. However, arrangements would have to be paid by the individual the rate payer with their organizations. Please download and complete the Source_Deduction_Form (PDF) and mail to:
The Chief Executive Officer
Lami Town Council
PO Box 3160
Or email a scanned copy to saccountsltc@unwired.com.fj /revenueltc@unwired.com.fj or contact Rates enquiries on (679) 3361666 Ext 105 for further clarifications.
Form to Download:
If having difficulty in paying rates should contact council at the earliest opportunity to arrange a payment schedule that is agreeable both to council and the ratepayer. This is essential to avoid council taking legal action to recover the outstanding rates. Please present yourselves at the Rates enquiries counter to complete the Rates_Arrangement_Form (PDF) attached.
Please be advised that this arrangement form for rates arrears only. This form can also be used when requested by the financial institutes when rate payer is applying loan and needs to show to them on amount outstanding.
Conditions that will apply which will include a 20% upfront payment and the remainder of the amount due to be divided into months provided this clears the arrears by the end of the current year.
Form to Download:
Rates Calculations & Categories
Council rates are charged, using the unimproved value of the land for each property and is normally charged on the different categories of land. When charging rates, Council also applies one of the following land categories:
Rates are calculated by the application of the rate in the dollar, which is decided on by the Council during the preparation of the budget each year, multiplied by the unimproved capital value (UCV) of each individual property.
Rate 2021 (VIP) = 0.95332 cents = 0.0095332
This means if your property is residential and is valued at $200,000 UCV – then your general rates for FY 2021/2020 would be $200,000 x 0.0095332 = $1,906.64.
Notice of Sale or Transfer of Property
The Local Government Act provides the CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER must be advised within 1 month of any sale or transfer of property. The relevant section of the act reads as follows:
Subject to the provisions of this section –
The person liable to pay rates and the transferee in any case where the person so liable transfers his estates or interest in rateable land;
The mortgagee of rateable land in any case where under the provisions of the mortgage he enters into possession of the land;
The trustee, executor or administrator of the estate or interest in rateable land of the deceased person, shall within one month of such transfer, entry into possession, grant or probate or letters of administration, as the case may require, GIVE NOTICE THEREOF TO THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER.
Subject to the provisions of paragraph above, it shall not be necessary for a mortgagee to give notice of any mortgage nor of the discharge thereof.
Sale of Land on which Rates are Outstanding
The new owner is responsible for the payment of any rates plus interest owing on the land purchased.
Let's Work Together
Rates Collections help us improve service delivery. Talk to us to discuss further how we can improve.